Shadowhunters is set in a world where supernatural beings roam among the living, and its third episode “Dead Man’s Party” introduced vampire villain Camille Belcourt. Based on YA writer Cassandra Clare’s Mortal Instruments novels, Freeform’s supernatural drama series follows the adventures of Clary Fray (Katherine McNamara) – a New York City teen who discovers she is descended from a long line of half-human, half-angel warriors known as Shadowhunters who protect the human world from demons.
Clary is suddenly thrust into a world she barely understands when her mother Jocelyn (Maxim Roy) is kidnapped by a group of rogue Shadowhunters known as The Circle who are searching for an artifact called the Mortal Cup that is capable of turning regular humans into Shadowhunters. It soon transpires that the members of The Circle aren’t the only ones who want to get their hands on the Mortal Cup when another person close to Clary – her human best friend Simon (Alberto Rosende) – is kidnapped by vampires at the end of the second episode of Shadowhunters.
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In Shadowhunters' “Dead Man’s Party”, Clary set about rescuing her missing friend with the help of her newfound demon-hunting allies Jace (Dominic Sherwood), Alec (Matthew Daddario) and Izzy (Emeraude Toubia). Simon was being held captive at the Hotel Dumort – a seemingly derelict building that hides a glamorous interior and acts as the headquarters of a vampire clan led by an ancient vampire called Camille Belcourt (Kaitlyn Leeb).
Shadowhunters “Dead Man’s Party” revealed that Camille wants the Mortal Cup to gain control of the Shadow World (that is, the hidden part of the world inhabited by supernatural beings