The popular webcomic called Magical Boy, written by The Kao, has taken the magical girl trope popularized by manga like Sailor Moon and given it an LGBTQ+ twist. When hearing the term «magical girl,» it shouldn't be difficult to come up with examples. One of the most popular manga in history, Sailor Moon, is a magical girl story, as well as other titles including Tokyo Mew Mew and Cardcaptor Sakura. Essentially, they are stories where women accumulate mystical powers that allow them to transform into heroic alter-egos. However, a webcomic released in the late-2010s has turned this trope on its head with a unique premise.
The opening prologue for Magical Boy is a standard magical girl setup. There's a mystical threat that threatens to destroy humanity that has been subdued for years by a powerful goddess named Aurora. Now, one of the descendants of Aurora is about to give birth to her firstborn, and she's thrilled to be able to pass on the duties of Aurora to her child. Where the twist comes in though is when the story asks this question: what if this magical girl...wasn't really a girl?
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That's right, Magical Boy follows a Trans man in this coming-of-age story of self-discovery. Revolving around Max, a Trans teen who's making the steps toward being his authentic self, he's reached a point in his life where he's starting to notice magical changes...but ignores them. His destiny doesn't stay hidden though as the ghosts of the past find their way to him and he learns that he's what stands between darkness and the fate of humanity...on top of having a form that sends his gender dysphoria spiraling. This is a story that's incredible because it takes