A potential plot hole in Raiders of the Lost Ark was only caught at the last minute by writer Lawrence Kasdan, and the way it was handled perfectly fits the film's story. 1981's Raiders of the Lost Ark is the quintessential action-adventure movie, introducing the charismatic Indiana Jones, who soon became one of cinema's most iconic heroes. The film's continued impact on pop culture and cinema cannot be understated, and Raiders of the Lost Ark is widely credited as one of the most influential and beloved films of all time.
Raiders of the Lost Ark's story follows Indiana Jones as he attempts to thwart a Nazi plot to recover and use the Ark of the Covenant. A common criticism that Indy did nothing in Raiders stems from the film's ending, in which the Nazis open the Ark and are instantly and painfully killed by its supernatural power. However, Raiders of the Lost Ark's narrative is far more nuanced than the commonly-held misconception about Indiana Jones' role in the film implies, with themes of power, influence, science, and faith all explored before the movie's end.
Related: Dark Indiana Jones Theory Proves Indy Caused World War II
However, it's interesting to note that the Ark of the Covenant — the powerful artifact the Nazis spend the film attempting to recover — is actually Jewish in origin. Originally, this was overlooked in the film's script, but during production, it was pointed out, leading to the hasty input of Dietrich's line:«I am uncomfortable with the Jewish ritual.» Not only does the line prevent a plot hole, but it also highlights the ignorance of the film's villains, making it a perfect addition to Raiders of the Lost Ark.
In the end, only Indiana Jones and Marion Ravenwood survived the power of the Ark by
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