Hello! Welcome to the 346th edition of the WoW Economy Weekly Wrap-up!
This week we discuss an important hidden feature of the expansion, a catchup currency that defines ways in which you can gain Knowledge Points if you start late in your chosen profession. We also discuss the partner to Knowledge, Artisan's Acuity and how this catchup can be utilized with profession shuffling. Plus, we talk prices of reagents and the balance of the economy!
My name is Samadan and I'll be your guide through the World of Gold Making!
Something that was sorely missing in Dragonflight was a robust catchup mechanic for those starting late and wanting Knowledge Points to remain competitive in professions. Now it has been datamined that there is such a mechanic hidden in the game introduced in TWW and allows for players to get up to speed on professions.
Manthieus has a great video explaining all ..
Basically, there is a hidden currency for each profession that can be exposed via a script in game ..