The franchise has had numerous spin-off games that have featured on various consoles over the decades. Each one stands out in their own way mainly due to the gameplay, taking the core concept of the mainline games and turning it on its head. With the Switch 2 and Generation 10 currently on the horizon, there are two spin-off titles that future games can learn from if they want to be incredibly memorable.
and are two games that were released on the GameCube back in the early 2000s. These two games mainly stand out due to their interesting stories, how much there was to explore, and especially how they altered the typical battle mechanics. All of these combine to create immensely fun and challenging experiences for players that future Pokémon games should definitely learn from.
At the time of 's and ' releases, there was a lot that made them unique, and their environments are an immediate standout. These games allow players to explore 's previously unknown Orre region, traveling through massive deserts, cities, and even a volcanic island in a 3D environment, spending time not only battling and catching Pokémon, but also solving various puzzles during exploration segments. With how much the games encourage exploration, they should continue to provide players with intriguing new locations with a lot of worldbuilding and discoveries to keep them coming back.
One fan has shared an incredibly wholesome image that shows how Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket is bridging the gap between generations.
On top of this, the games' protagonists were also unique, allowing players to experience the role of someone other than a typical Pokémon trainer that is starting out their journey to become their region's champion. Between the two games, Wes from stands out the most, as he is actually a former member of the game's evil team, Team Snagem. This immediately makes him leagues more interesting than many of the other protagonists in the franchise, and future games should consider giving