ThePokemon franchise has seen hundreds of Pokemon designs throughout its generations. As more Pokemon are added and new generations are introduced, fans of the franchise continue to create their own spin on official designs. The Ghost-type Pokemon from the first generation were the focus of a recent example of this where one Pokemonfan redrew Duskull to match the original Gastly, Haunter, and Gengar.
The first generation of Pokemon included just three Ghost-types: Gastly, Haunter, and Gengar. Each one of these Pokemon are known for their distinctive purple hue and often, ill-defined borders. Duskull is a Ghost-type Pokemon that evolves into Dusclops starting at level 37. This Pokemon was first introduced in the third generation.
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This fan-made creation comes from u/AnotherInvasion, and it brings Duskull all the way back to the first generation. Duskull’s original look is akin to a hunched over creature with a white skull for a face and a mostly gray body shape. To bring this Pokemon back a pair of generations, however, this creator removed all the gray from the original and replaced it with a gaseous purple. The general shape of the Ghost-type Pokemon remains the same but with a much less solid look to it. The other major change is to the creature’s skull which is more pronounced and features new, creepy cracks. The result looks just like the first-generation Ghost-type Pokemon designs and gives this Pokemon a more interesting look.
The first generation of Ghost-type Pokemon were all purple figures that focused less on their exact shape and more on their level of creepiness. This is especially true for Gastly, whose appearance in Pokemon Red