The Pokemon franchise is one of the most beloved media properties in the world, crossing countless different mediums and featuring around 900 different pocket monsters. Some of the most popular Pokemon in the series are the original Kanto starter trio: Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle. Now, one Pokemon fan has made an incredible life-sized Charmander statue with 3D printing technology, complete with a glowing flame at the tip of its tail.
Charmander is known as the Lizard Pokemon, and it looks very much like a bipedal orange lizard with a flame at the tip of its tail. It's one of the three Pokemon that gamers can choose at the beginning of the Gen 1 games.
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Twitter user kagerou_honey shared photos and a video of a life-size Charmander statue they created using 3D printing technology. The statue shows Charmander leaning down and raising its tail, as though it was about to breathe fire. If it stood straight, it would stand at about 23.6 inches--or 60 centimeters--tall, and its tail is held about 70 centimeters above the ground. An LED embedded in the Charmander statue's tail makes the flames appear to glow like actual fire and the whole thing reportedly weighs about 19 pounds, or 8.7 kilograms, which is only slightly more than the Pokemon's official weight.
This statue is almost exactly the size and weight of Charmander, at least according to the Pokedex. In other words, it's about the size of a large cat and serves as an ideal Pokemon cosplay prop. Kagerou_honey celebrated their creation by holding a photoshoot with the Charmander statue showing it posed in the forest, with one picture taking place near a roaring campfire. This