New Pokémon fan art portrays Ash Ketchum transforming into a Dragon Ball character in a horrendous way. Dragon Ball and Pokémon are two of the largest and most popular anime franchises in the world. Akira Toriyama first began the Dragon Ball story as a manga in 1984 before it was adapted for television in 1986. The franchise has ballooned over the years, spawning multiple sequels and spinoff manga, films, and series, with the property's value totaling over $30 billion. Meanwhile, Pokémon started in 1996 as a small handheld video game, but through its various adaptations into popular media as well as excessive merchandising, the franchise is now worth over $110 billion, making it the highest-grossing media franchise of all time.
Dragon Ball follows the orphaned alien Goku and his friends as he trains to become the best fighter in the world while protecting his friends from powerful enemies. Through his training and determination, Goku transforms into a far more powerful form called Super Saiyan, which causes his hair to change from black to blonde as he levels up. Pokémon's lead character, Ash, is most assuredly human in every way. However, he gets his strength through his relationship with his Pokémon creatures, especially with his diminutive yet powerful yellow mouse-like electrified friend Pikachu.
Related: Ash Ketchum’s First Six Pokémon (And What Happened To Them)
In recent fan art by Alex Solis (alexmdc) shared via Instagram, Ash is shown transforming into Dragon Ball's Goku in a terrifying way. In a series of four images, Ash devours Pikachu, thereby absorbing the Pokémon's power, enabling him to become a powerful Super Saiyan. A fifth image provided by Solis shows the full transformation through an array of the