A passionate PlayStation fan shares a fun way to help solve fellow players' Decision Paralysis and inadvertently pitches a feature that should definitely be added to PlayStation Plus. When it comes to collecting and playing video games, one of the most common issues people run into is not being able to settle on their next experience, an issue that's compounded by all the subscription services and constant sales handing out titles for next to nothing. Some kind of randomizer would make selecting a game much more straightforward, which is exactly what this player did.
Posted to Reddit by MaulShadow, the user found a list of all current PS Plus Extra games and randomized it to suggest games to players to comment a number between 1 and 640.
The community response was overwhelmingly positive as the current post now sits at nearly 2,500 comments as MaulShadow continues to assign games with the sole criteria being those who received a title need to complete it 100% or earn the Platinum Trophy for collecting every in-game achievement. It's a fun idea and just goes to show how a system like this would flourish were it official.
May 2024 is bringing a new lineup of games to PlayStation Plus, and there's definitely some exciting action-packed additions this time around.
Given how many people struggle with Decision Paralysis, it's genuinely bizarre that PS Plus has yet to include some kind of randomization feature. Subscribers who are battling to settle on their next game could simply hit a «Choose for Me» button and be shown one of the hundreds of possibilities sitting in the library. Not only is this a fun way of letting «fate» decide, but it can also introduce players to games that they may otherwise have missed due to them being buried in hundreds of more well-known titles.
The response to MaulShadow's post is a clear enough sign that such a feature would openly be used by the community as thousands of commenters actively turned to a randomizer to choose their next
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