Blizzard has shared a lengthy Blue Post, detailing the upcoming changes to the WoW Classic PTR, which is currently testing the updated PvP Honor System.
Today, we’ve temporarily closed the Hardcore PTR realm and opened a new PTR realm that only allows template characters for testing the major update version 1.14.4 brings to Classic Era PvP.Before we dive into the system and how it’s changed, here’s glossary of terms for those who are less familiar with the current version of the system on 1.14.3 Classic Era realms:TermDefinitionRankThe rank of a player in a given PvP season.Ranks range from 1 (Private / Scout) to 14 (Grand Marshal / High Warlord)Honorable Kills (HKs)Awarded when killing opposing-faction players or NPCs that are near or above your player level. Killing higher-ranked players awards more Contribution Points (CP).
Players receive honor points based on however many honorable kills they earn in a given week.Dishonorable Kills (DKs)Gained by killing opposing-faction NPCs with the “Civilian” tag in their tooltip. Dishonorable kills count as a penalty against the player’s end-of-week Honor points.Contribution Points (CP or Honor)Awarded to the player based on their HKs and DKs.
While CP is often used interchangeably with Honor, it is not to be confused with “Honor points”, which is also what many players call “Honor” as shorthand. An HK may be worth more or fewer Honor points depending on whether the HK came from a lower or higher ranked player.