Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door's Switch remake has made changes to the scene where Bowser fat-shames one of his minions and when a group of Goombas catcall Goombella in Rogueport.
One of the biggest surprises about the Super Mario RPG remake that released last year is how much of the original game was kept intact, despite it having some surprisingly adult moments like the hidden item in Peach's room. So far, it seems that Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door's remake is going to be much the same, seeing as how it keeps, and even doubles down on, Hooktail's obsession with feet.
Although most of Super Mario RPG's content was kept in for the remake, there was a fair amount that was changed such as Mario no longer pulling out a peace sign after battles and the not-so-timely reference to Bruce Lee being changed. The same can be said of The Thousand-Year Door's remake, which has tweaked a few things like Mario's salute.
As it turns out, though, there are a few more examples of things being changed for TTYD's remake. Over on the Paper Mario subreddit, Redditor Fragrant_Call7983 pointed out that an early-game conversation between Bowser and one of his Koopa Troopas has been changed. In the original game, the Koopa Troopa tells Bowser he's been working out, which causes Bowser to order him to "do some sit-ups, Tubby".
"Uh... super. In that case, I order you to do some sit-ups, Tubby."
In the remake, that exchange has been tweaked significantly, with Bowser now saying to the Koopa Troopa to do some sit-ups and "not stop until even your hammer has abs". The context of the conversation is mostly the same with Bowser encouraging the minion to get strong, but the way he says it has been changed to be a bit more respectful.
That's not the only bit of early-game dialogue that has been tweaked to be more respectful. As pointed out by Nintendo Everything, the infamous cat-calling Goombas in Rogueport have had their dialogue toned down a lot. In the GameCube release,