OnePlus has launched its new flagship smartphones, the OnePlus 13 and OnePlus 13R, on Tuesday. These devices are the first smartphones in India to support Jio's 5.5G network, which uses upgraded Component Carrier Aggregation (3CC) technology to provide download speeds exceeding 1 Gbps.
James Paterson, Senior Global PR Manager at OnePlus, highlighted the significance of the partnership with Jio, explaining that the OnePlus 13 series offers the ability to connect to three separate network cells simultaneously. This advanced technology enables faster speeds and better performance, enhancing user experience. During a live demo, the OnePlus 13 was tested on both regular 5G and Jio's 5.5G network. While the device reached a download speed of 277.78 Mbps on standard 5G, it achieved a peak speed of 1,014.86 Mbps on the Jio 5.5G network. This represents an improvement of up to 380 percent in download speeds, depending on signal strength. Users will notice the "5GA" icon on their screen when connected to the 5.5G network, indicating the highest available network type, according to an Indian Express report.
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The Jio 5.5G network requires no additional settings on the OnePlus 13, as long as the device is compatible with the 3CC standard. 5.5G, also called 5G Advanced, provides faster speeds, reduced latency, improved reliability, and better connectivity. In theory, 5.5G can support speeds between 10 Gbps and 20 Gbps but currently operates on standalone (SA) 5G networks.
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In terms of pricing, the OnePlus 13 starts at Rs. 69,999 for the 12GB RAM + 256GB storage variant, while the 16GB + 512GB model is priced at Rs. 76,999. The top-tier version with 24GB RAM + 1TB storage costs Rs. 89,999. The device will go on sale starting January 10 via Amazon and other platforms. Special ICICI bank card offers will