Please can we ensure we are following the Community Rules here
@BookhouseBoy Either mute someone or you don't. What you're doing here is fanning the flames.
I’m about to beat Indiana Jones. I absolutely loved the game. With that said, I’m kind of bummed out because two achievements are bugged for me, stopping me from getting all 1000/1000 points. I hope there will be patches in the future to remedy this.
Okay, so Indiana Jones is indeed very good.
The first major area where you're just plopped in to work out things for yourself is really nicely crafted, and I think I found a total of 3 different ways to clear one «main gate»
There's a lot of fascists to navigate in this area which adds a little tension with the lack of autosave until you reach a certain point. But after I solved the first mystery
Nothing too complex, just finding the information about the bull paintings and a passage by a fireplace
It was clear that doing this sidequest had moved me past the gated area for the main quest (route 1)
I then decided to go back through the gate
I had picked up the guards key from the officer in the upstairs office to the left of the area earlier
as there was still facsits to take out and items to find, and it was here where I found route 3, which in essence was
climbing up some stairs to the left and then going up and over the roof and jumping down on the other side of the gate
And this route could have meant avoiding nearly every guard for that area completely, if that's more your style.
Very pleasing options. But my preference will always be to find as much as I can possibly find first time, taking my time and taking out everyone in an area where possible, and then have a good nosey round for any extra routes and collectibles that I might have missed before moving on.
I know i've probably still missed some things, too, as it seems like there will be all kinds of secrets, but I got a few skills, comics, chests of cash, and even noticed a lock box with no