In preparation for this month's premiere of the highly-anticipated Obi-Wan Kenobi series, Disney+ has created a special section on the streaming service focusing on the character. The upcoming show is the latest in the Star Wars franchise as Disney expands the beloved science-fiction universe through a litany of new television projects. Set 10 years after Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith, Obi-Wan Kenobi focuses on the titular hero (Ewan McGregor), who remains in exile and watches a young Luke Skywalker from afar as he is raised by Uncle Owen (Joel Edgerton) and Aunt Beru (Bonnie Piesse).
Obi-Wan first appeared in the original Star Wars film in 1977, then portrayed by Sir Alec Guinness. Although old, the Jedi was skilled with a lightsaber and gave his life protecting Luke on the Imperial Death Star. In 1999, Star Wars returned to the big screen after 16 years with Episode I — The Phantom Menace, the start of a prequel trilogy which aimed to tell the story of Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan leading up to the fall of the Galactic Republic and Emperor Palpatine's rise to power. Lucasfilm, and then Disney, continued Obi-Wan's story with the animated series The Clone Wars, as well as a brief appearance on Rebels. Since Obi-Wan had died in the original trilogy, he did not make an appearance in the more recent sequel trilogy.
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Disney+ has recently created a special collection on the streaming service to give fans a chance to prepare for the upcoming Obi-Wan Kenobi series. The collection consists of a selection of main canon films and television shows in which Obi-Wan appears, including all of the prequel films, The Clone Wars television series,