While datamining the new WoW Classic Season of Discovery PTR, we've discovered several brand new runes not announced at BlizzCon23, including Gladiator Stance for Warriors and Aspect of the Lion, which allows Hunters to provide Blessing of Kings! This was announced through a recent Developer Tweet, that Blizzard would be implementing a way for Horde players to access Blessing of Kings.
Keep in mind that some of these may not necessarily be final, could be added in later level brackets, or may even be scrapped ideas that won't make it into launch at all. In the datamining, these are all listed as «Uncategorized Spells» and might never be implemented!
Hunters will be able to provide Blessing of Kings! We also know that Aspect of the Lion is a Belt engraving, suggesting that it will come in a later level bracket or be a secret unlock for Phase 1. It also seems that