Classroom of the Elite, first published as a light novel series in 2015, had a largely positive reception among readers, so it quickly earned an anime adaptation in 2017. The First Season focused on protagonist Ayanokoji and his interactions with other classes; however, the incoming season will center on a different narrative and set of individuals based on the new information revealed by Classroom of the Elite official Twitter account.
The official Twitter account for the show shared a new poster with fans as well as some insight into the new season's possible occurrences. In Second Season's updated poster, three characters were featured: Kiyotaka Ayanakoji, Horikita Suzune & Kikyo Kushida, subtly hinting that the new season will share new, interesting information on these characters.
Classroom of the Elite: What to Expect in Season 2
Kiyotaka Ayanokoji was the main attraction of Season One, and he would most likely be at the center of any drama in the series, following his role as the story's protagonist. In the psychological thriller, Ayanokoji enters Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School, an academy well-known for its elitist association and connections with the affluent. Consequently, any successful graduate from the school earns a privileged spot in society’s ranking. To groom the students, the school uses a merit-based system using points as a form of currency to test how they handle finance-based decisions.
On entry, Ayanokoji was placed in Class D, a class for poor-performing pupils at the bottom of the school’s food chain. In the first season, Ayanokoji proved on several occasions that he was exceptionally intelligent and worthy of being a Class A student. But for some reason, Ayanokoji tries to keep