Cloud gaming platforms have surged over the last several years, bringing out contenders like Xbox Cloud Gaming, Google Stadia, and Amazon Luna. But one of them reigns above the rest. Here are five reasons why NVIDIA’s GeForce NOW is the best cloud gaming option available, bar none.
To kick things off, GeForce NOW is powered by some of the absolute best hardware money can buy — not just in the cloud but for consumer gaming PCs, as well. At the top end, you can subscribe for priority access to an RTX 3080 GPU, a piece of kit that’s been notoriously hard to come by since the pandemic, though you can occasionally find one on Amazon. This tier can run games on “ultra” settings at 1440p/120 FPS or 4K/60 FPS when playing on PC or Mac.
Even on the low end, GeForce NOW’s base Priority and free tiers are good enough to deliver a quality gaming experience at up to 1080p/60 FPS. While this doesn’t sound like a lot of performance, these tiers match and occasionally exceed the graphical output you’ll find on Xbox Cloud Gaming, Amazon Luna, and Google Stadia’s free option (Stadia Pro can stream at 4K and up to 60 FPS, but only if the games are properly optimized).
Finally, GeForce NOW’s RTX 3080 and Priority tiers come with ray-tracing capabilities, a feature that’s only currently supported on Xbox Cloud Gaming.
Performance alone is enough to put GeForce NOW ahead of the pack, but it also boasts the largest game library available in the cloud. As of May 2022, GeForce NOW officially supports more than 1,300 titles with 118 of them available to play for free.
The best part is that all of these games come directly from your favorite PC game stores, including Steam, Epic Games Store, Ubisoft Connect, and EA Origin. That means many of the games