The world of Naruto, created by Masashi Kishimoto, is one full of culture, powerful creatures, and clans of ninjas with bizarre abilities. Each ninja clan usually has its own ability, or jutsu, unique to it that only members of that clan can use. One of the strongest clans in the series, the Uchiha, has a collection of god-tier jutsu.
The Uchiha clan's justu is an ocular ability called the Sharingan which gives the user red eyes and intricately patterned pupils. At first, it grants the ability to anticipate movements and copy another ninja's jutsu. After the user faces enough trauma and strife the Sharigan evolves into its next stage: Mangekyou Sharingan. This is when the Uchiha gain access to their godly abilities: Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Susanoo, and others.
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To call these jutsu godly is appropriate considering that is exactly what they are: gods. Just like the powerful Sannin trio, Kishimoto takes several aspects of these gods and incorporates them into his series as the strongest jutsu ever to be seen in the ninja world. Their inspirations come from the major players in Japan's Shinto religion. To grasp how the series uses the gods, it's important to know the Shinto creation myth. Japan and its gods were created by Izanagi and Izanami. After giving birth to the god of fire, Izanami died and went to the land of the dead. Izanagi traveled there to retrieve his wife, but upon finding her, found that she was terribly decomposed. Horrified, Izanagi fled and washed the impurities of the dead from his body. The water that dropped from his face became Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, and Susanoo.
Amaterasu, known to Naruto fans as black flames that burn until