The manga series Naruto is home to some of the dastardliest villains in the Japanese world of comic books. While these villains might appear tame on the surface compared to villains from other series, their motivations, perceptions, and other outlooks can be quite terrible and atrocious. The mysterious god Jashin is the perfect example of one of Naruto's twisted antagonists. Not much is known about the deity except from being an eldritch horror that revels in killing.
Most of the information regarding Jashin is provided through Hidan of the Akatsuki. Hidan is an unhinged extremist that lives to serve the god, and being immortal, he does it quite well. Before every fight, he prays to Jashin for «a good kill,» and if he fails to kill his opponent, he prays for forgiveness. The Akatsuki member uses a technique that allows him to inflict damage on his foes by ingesting their blood and injuring himself, essentially turning himself into a voodoo doll. Hidan claims that this technique was a gift from Lord Jashin.
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More information about the god comes in the Akatsuki Hidan and Konoha Shinden light novels — short stories part of a larger series meant to bridge the gap between Naruto and Boruto. In the former, Hidan goes more into detail about his religion, framing Jashinism as a public service that alleviates one's fear of death by killing them, and that the emotionally closer one is to a Jashinist, the better suited they are as a sacrifice. The plot of Konoha Shinden reveals a sect of Jashinists that are kidnapping travelers to use as sacrifices. They are brought down by Mirai Sarutobi, Kakashi, and Might Guy, and the leader of the sect reveals more about