The final villain of the acclaimed Naruto series is Kaguya Otsutsuki, a mysterious being that is responsible for giving the gift of chakra to humanity. Naruto's sequel series, Boruto, continues the threat of the Otsutsuki by fleshing out the clan and introducing new members for everyone's favorite ninjas to deal with. Despite each Otsutsuki boasting an insane amount of power, the name «Otsutsuki» leaves a lot to be desired.
In Boruto, the true nature of Kaguya, Isshiki, Momoshiki, and the other Otsutsuki is revealed in a twist that actually threw many fans for a loop. It turns out that the Otsutsuki are actually aliens from another world, and this is based on the oldest known Japanese myth: a story about a woman named Kaguya coming from the moon. In Naruto/Boruto, the Otsutsuki came to Earth in hopes of planting a Divine Tree; a humongous tree that will wipe out all life on Earth and bear a chakra fruit, which in turn will be eaten by the Otsutsuki to sustain their existence.
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While all of this may seem confusing, it helps to know at least a little bit of Japanese. The word «Otstutsuki» appears to break down into three parts: Ou, Tsu, and Tsuki. The first part «Ou» is Japanese for King. The last part «Tsuki» is Japanese for Moon. This implies that "Otsutsuki" means something along the lines of «Kings from the Moon» which is fitting considering their nature and origin, while also imposing a hint of grandeur on them. However, it turns out that «Otsutsuki» really breaks down as: Oo, Tsutsu, and Ki, which literally translates to «Big Round Tree.» Unfortunately while that's still fitting, it's undoubtedly loses a great deal of cool.
How can one be