In what has become an annual tradition, Warner Bros. Animation is releasing yet another animated film. is the latest entry and the first trailer for it focuses on Kenshi Takahashi, ‘s iconic blind warrior. The film is also coming out on digital and on Blu-Ray on October 8.
The trailer mostly focuses on Kenshi’s journey and how he became blind. However, it also features other characters both new and old. It has a look at Kano’s new cybernetic body, Shang Tsung, Kabal, Erron Black, and Ferra Torr. While the first three are staples, the latter two first debuted in .
While new films have been releasing every year for the past three years, it’s not clear when the next game will be coming out. Johnny Cage’s voice actor dropped a hint that he was recording something for and an odd desk photo from a NetherRealm employee both seemed to point to, something reporter Jeff Grubb said was on the way.