Moribito is a beautiful but relatively unknown anime produced by Production IG and directed by Kenji Kamiyama, who is better known for his work on Akira and Ghost in Shell. Production IG has recently been increasing its output, and is starting to acquire a reputation for quality.
Visually, this anime does not disappoint, and compares nicely with its peers, although with its unique combat and flawless animation there is nothing artistically unique about it. Through 26 episodes fans get introduced to a host of unique characters and a delightfully complicated plot that leaves them yearning to learn more about this world and spend more time immersed in it. However, it has avoided mainstream popularity for a few reasons.
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A Young spear-wielding bodyguard takes on the young prince of New Yogo as her charge in an effort to protect him from the Mikado. He is the eighth and final life that she must save to atone for the eight men that she has killed. This charge is unique in that the one that is believed to want him dead is his own father and he seems to be possessed by some sort of water demon that the Mikado had previously defeated centuries ago.
Anime With Unique Art Styles
Throughout the show, she and her companions delve into the history of their realm as they struggle to protect the young prince and to accomplish the task that he is compelled to complete by his possession. In their journeys, they discover that not all is as it seems and the events unfolding around them may very well determine the fate of their entire country. They also discover that there are greater perils out there than those that they were aware of when they set out on their quest.
The use of spears and pole-arms