Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, a musou-style spinoff of the tactical strategy series Fire Emblem, is releasing in late June, and developer Nintendo has continued to dole out information bit by tantalizing bit. While previous trailers revealed several playable characters as well as provided hints about the story, a new magazine article on the topic of Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes delved a bit deeper into how the gameplay works to add a Fire Emblem twist to classic Warriors combat.
The spinoff title returns to the world of Fodlan, the setting of 2019 main series title Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Players take on the role of Shez, a new protagonist, and team up with one of the game's three Lord characters: Edelgard, Dimitri, or Claude. The game features an alternate take on the events of Three Houses, with former protagonist Byleth now serving in a potentially antagonistic role. Like Three Houses, the game will be split into three distinct routes: Crimson Blaze, Azure Gleam, and Golden Wildfire.
Fire Emblem Three Hopes Website Teases Mysterious New Character Arval
A recent article in Famitsu magazine dives deeper into the gameplay of Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. While playable characters will have access to multiple classes, each character will have a Preferred class, which will provide them with unique benefits. Some of these Preferred classes will be unique to the character, with protagonist Shez having the duel-wielding «Fleugel» class. One returning element from Three Houses is personal skills, which are unique to each unit. The article provided examples of these with the retainers Dedue, Hilda, and Hubert. Hilda's Preferred class is Brigand and her personal skill lets her wield lightning magic, while Hubert