Doom has never looked better, or weirder, than it does now
Doom is iconic. Doom is incredible. Doom is the embodiment of the entire FPS game genre, a landmark of the PC platform, and the ancestor of everything from Half-Life to Halo to Call of Duty. But now, almost 30 years since its original release, it’s time for a transformative visual overhaul. Created by id Software, both Doom and Doom 2 are beloved and instantly recognizable for their 2D monster sprites. The imp, the Pinky, the Spider Mastermind – we know these monsters like we know our own faces. But what if they were 3D? What if we could see and marvel at every angle of Doom like ever before? With boomer shooters still surging in popularity, it’s time for the grandparent of them all to make a glamorous return.