Wizards of the Coast has released an animated trailer for Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty, an upcoming cyberpunk card set for Magic: The Gathering. The mystical land of Kamigawa, which is inspired by Japan and its unique mythology, was first introduced to the collectible card game in 2004. Magic: The Gathering's new Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty set returns to the Japanese land 1,200 years into the future, after it has blossomed into a futuristic neon-lit cyberpunk metropolis.
While the new set has already launched on Magic: The Gathering Online and MTG Arena, fans are still eagerly awaiting the physical release of Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty on February 18. Advertised as the collectible card game's first sci-fi set, the upcoming expansion will combine classic Japanese themes and imagery with futuristic technology. Alongside this bold new aesthetic, Neon Dynasty will also reintroduce old gameplay mechanics like ninjutsu that long-time fans will remember from the original Kamigawa sets. The expansion's unique setting blends tradition and technology, with a recently-released Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty expansion trailer demonstrating how both concepts work in harmony.
Related: How the New Mechanics in Magic's Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Change the Game
Leading up to the physical release of Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty, the Magic: The Gathering YouTube channel has posted an exciting new anime trailer. Created by Attack on Titan's Wit Studio, the animation introduces viewers to a Planeswalker named Kaito Shizuki who bonds with and fights beside Kamigawa's Wandering Emperor. The cinematic trailer, set to the original song «Scratch» by Toru Kitajima, gorgeously brings the set's cyberpunk setting and powerful characters to life. Players will be able to explore the
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