NBC's groundbreaking series Lost featured a number of beloved characters, but it was the rivalry between Jack and Locke that really saved the show. When it first aired in 2004, Lost was immediately met with critical acclaim, with viewers praising the show's intricate plot and its brilliantly-written and diverse cast of characters. Over the years, the show became more and more divisive, however, with many viewers perceiving an obvious decline in quality, mostly due to Lost's many unsolved mysteries.
All the way back in Lost season 1, the conflict between Jack and Locke already served an important purpose. Locke was the human antagonist the show needed before the darker, more supernatural secrets of Lost's mysterious island were revealed (and before the Others became a major threat). Despite the show including a large ensemble cast of characters and an endless cavalcade of new mysteries, plot twists, and cliffhangers, Lost was able to remain focused and engaging because there was a strong thematic throughline at its core; represented by Jack and Locke.
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Despite the general sentiment that Lost and its mysterious island went downhill as the seasons progressed, Jack and Locke's rivalry remained a constant throughout the series and true to the spirit of earlier seasons. Their conflict was the core of the show and encapsulated the major themes the writers wanted to explore. While Jack represented the selfless, rational, responsible leader of the group, John Locke was diametrically opposed to almost everything Jack stood for. Locke was dedicated to understanding the island and carrying out its will even if it meant putting others in harm's way. The
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