The LEGO franchise has spent over fifteen years cultivating a reputation for accessible games that follow a familiar formula with each new entry. Whether the games are tackling the wide world of Marvel Comics or the Jurassic Park films, they've all abided by a similar structure in terms of gameplay and level design. As gaming has evolved, the LEGO games have introduced modern elements such as open-world exploration and full voice acting, but the series' next installment, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, is about to introduce the most drastic changes to the LEGO formula yet.
Through its long development cycle, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga has been touted as the culmination of all the work that TT Games has done with the LEGO franchise so far. The game's many delays have kept fans from seeing the full scope of that work for some time, but a recent trailer has finally awarded the patient with a comprehensive overview of everything The Skywalker Saga will have to offer. There was enough information in the trailer to easily maintain excitement until the game's release, but the most prominent feature of The Skywalker Saga looks to be its unprecedented level of freedom for a LEGO game.
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When the LEGO games first started out, their main intention was to serve as a playful recreation of popular films. Starting with LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game, the experience was rather linear for gamers. Each of the prequel films was given a set of levels that guided players from point A to point B with a number of puzzles to solve in between, each objective crafted to be completed in a specific order with specific characters. It wasn't until a level was