As a family friendly video game franchise, multiplayer co-op has always been central to the identity of LEGO Star Wars and other titles from Traveller's Tales. Friends or family of any skill level can pick up controllers and set off on a lighthearted adventure through the franchise's recurring two player co-op. Traveller's Tales hasn't discussed multiplayer in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, but signs suggest the bold new LEGO Star Wars title does have multiplayer. The latest gameplay overview for LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga offers glimpses of two-person puzzles and characters wandering the overworld together.
The Skywalker Saga has gone to great lengths to define itself as an innovator, making drastic changes to the LEGO combat system and constructing an overworld of unmatched proportions. Even so, it inherits plenty of concepts from its predecessors, likely including multiplayer. While two-player co-op wouldn't be anything new, the features that surround it could revamp everything. Combat changes that allow greater tactical thought and an overworld filled with activities could make The Skywalker Saga more worth exploring with a friend than any previous LEGO Star Wars title.
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga's Minigames and Sidequests Make the Overworld Worth Roaming
Historically, LEGO Star Wars combat is simple even with a friend; players mash the attack button and occasionally use Force powers or deflect blaster bolts to clear groups of enemies. Traveller's Tales has said it wants The Skywalker Saga to afford greater opportunities for combat mastery, and so its systems are far more elaborate. Ranged characters can hamper enemies with precision shots, meanwhile Jedi and Sith Force powers can have more