The simulator genre is an unusual and ever-evolving array of experiences. Some might task you with specific or bespoke roles that people dream about, like becoming a paramedic or a train driver, while others let you become a car mechanic and dive into the nitty-gritty of how an engine works. Shine Research’s latest, with support from publisher Nacon sees you becoming an architect, with Architect Life: A House Design Simulator giving people the opportunity to build and design incredible homes without the lengthy or expensive university education. Sounds like a pretty good deal, right?
The official trailer immediately shows off the kind of builds that are going to be possible, aping ultra-modern or Grand Designs-styled properties with clarity. It’s clear that you’re going to be put to work by a range of clients, whose every wish you have to try and turn into a series of workable walls with a roof on top of them. It’s an intriguing set-up, and who knows, maybe you’ll find you have a taste for working in this field. Equally, you might discover that you hate people, but we’ll wait and see how needy these particular clients turn out to be.
It’s all very precise, with each section of the build displaying the kind of measurement details and iconography that you’d expect to see in a blueprint or architectural diagram. Don’t let that put you off though, as it seems as though the building itself looks very intuitive, at least with a keyboard and mouse in tow, though the team have been clear to say that it’s just as easy to control with a controller. Once you’ve built the building itself, you have to dress it as well, channelling your inner interior designer for maximum effect.
There’s two main modes, with a 60-mission campaign – that’s a lot of clients – and a sandbox mode where you can let your imagination run riot without constraints or someone breathing down your neck. Things can still go wrong though, and you have to also become a site manager, ensuring that the build