League of Legends LoLdle, the Wordle version of the world-famous MOBA, recently dropped puzzle number 294 for its global player base. In this article, we will discuss the solutions to the latest puzzle released on April 27, 2023. The puzzle contains a mix of three very easy and two slightly more difficult answers, so new players may need to invest some time to figure out the solutions on their own at first.
However, if they get stuck at any point, the solutions provided here will help them progress.
The answers for League of Legends LoLdle puzzle number 294 released on April 27, 2023, are as follows:
Classic: Graves
Quote: Vayne
Ability: Karthus, Bonus: Q
Emoji: Udyr
Splash Art: Garen, Bonus: Demacia Vice Garen
The answers for some of the past LoLdle puzzles are as follows:
Now, coming to today's puzzles, Graves is an easy one to predict since he is from Bilgewater, and there is no other jungler in League of Legends that belongs to the same region. Vayne is also an easy guess since she is a vampire hunter, and the quote provided as a clue makes a reference to purging evil with silver.
Karthus can be a hard one to guess since he is not as popular in low-elo, which means most players will likely get stuck on this one. Udyr is another hard puzzle since the champion does not become apparent until three or four clues have been provided. Lastly, Garen should be an easy guess since the champion is very popular, and the splash art provided as a clue is for a skin that a lot of players use.
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