20 years ago, a young boy named Sora embarked on an action-packed, adventure-filled world known as Kingdom Hearts. The action RPG paired Square Enix and Disney together, and while it may have come off as a strange idea, the Kingdom Hearts 4 trailer has been well-received and proves just how beloved this series is.
The trailer picks up where Kingdom Hearts 3 left off, with Sora waking up after a seven-day slumber to realize he's in Quadratum, the world he landed in after the previous game. With a new animation style, Sora is rocking a new outfit and, with it, a new haircut that has many theorizing what it means for the character and his journey.
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Within the trailer, there are many indications of what the new installment of the series holds in store for Kingdom Hearts fans. The beautiful setting of Quadratum appears to take place in modern-day Tokyo, a realistic approach compared to its predecessor's cartoonish style. One thing that has many fans talking is the stylistic change in Sora's hairstyle, with one user who goes by the handle Zeckkret pointing out the length of his hair over the four games. Observing the level of spikiness in Sora's style, it appears to grow from Kingdom Hearts 1 to Kingdom Hearts 2, but it decreases by the third and fourth installments while becoming longer in the back. The image used to showcase the differences comes directly from the game's beautiful art released during the 20th-anniversary announcement.
User Ix_Saru sheds light on the idea that Sora's hair is more downwards due to Ventus' heart being gone, giving Sora a younger appearance compared to when Ventus was still involved. Ventus joined Sora's heart at the conclusion of
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