The Pokemon franchise turned 25 years old in 2021, and numerous games have released during that time. Eight mainline generations each introduced a region, often explored via two versions of the same game followed by either an enhanced third version or sequel. Plenty of Pokemon spin-offs have also made their mark, be they puzzle and pinball games or standalone adventures. Pokemon Colosseum and XD: Gale of Darkness stand out among those spin-offs.
Released for GameCube in 2003 and 2005, respectively, Pokemon Colosseum and XD: Gale of Darkness were the debut projects for Genius Sonority - a smaller start-up headed by Manabu Yamana that was funded in-part by former Nintendo president Hiroshi Yamauchi's "Q Fund." Genius Sonority would later become known for games like Pokemon Trozei!, Learn with Pokemon: Typing Adventure, and Pokemon Cafe Mix. Though its projects include Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors and The Denpa Men trilogy, Pokemon games are the studio's bread and butter, and many would be excited to see its GameCube duology brought back.
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Genius Sonority's debut titles are essentially follow-ups to Pokemon Stadium and its sequel on N64. The franchise did not fully adapt 3D graphics until Pokemon X and Y in 2013, so Colosseum and XD: Gale of Darkness served as a way to bring Generation 3 Pokemon outside the confides of the Game Boy Advance's 2D sprites. Pokemon Battle Revolutions on Wii - also developed by Genius Sonority - did the same thing for Generation 4, but the GameCube games went a step further by offering their own RPG stories.
Almost every mainline Pokemon game follows the same formula: Young trainers from a