Apple, with the launch of the iPhone 15 series, announced the biggest transition from a Lightning port to a standard USB-C port for the company. This change enabled users to charge their iPhones with any eligible USB-C cable. However, the transition was controversial, as many iPhone users welcomed the change as it gave them the freedom to opt for any adapter or USB-C cable other than what Apple provides, but others did not like it. However, how can one make sure that the iPhone 15 charges with optimum speed? Know how you can utilize the benefits of iPhone 15 USB-C cable and maximize charging speed.
As per reports, with Apple's 20W USB-C power adapter and USB-C cable which supports up to 27W of output could charge your iPhone 15 from nill to 50 percent in 30 minutes, however, it takes almost 2 hours for the device to charge fully. But now with USB-C cable, iPhone 15 users have options to switch to other USB-C charging options that have higher-wattage power.
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According to the 9To5Google report, iPhone 15 users can take advantage of a dual USB-C compact charger from Anker as it has a higher wattage power than Apple's 20W USB-C power adapter. It will enable users to increase the iPhone 15 charging speed.
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Additionally, if the iPhone 15 user also has a USB-C MacBook power adapter, it can also be used to increase the speed of charging. Also, users can also connect their iPhone to their MacBook's USB-C port when it is connected to power and charging. With USB-C cable, iPhone 15 users can conveniently fast charge all their Apple devices using the same cable or take advantage of a 60-watt or higher