Following the release of Thor: Love and Thunder, Chris Hemsworth’s tenure in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has become the subject of recent speculations. Thor: Love and Thunder is the fourth solo Thor film, seeing the return of Taika Waititi as the director and Chris Hemsworth as the titular hero. Thor is one of the only three original members of the Avengers, including Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) and Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner), to remain active in the MCU. As such, talks of Hemsworth leaving Marvel are amplified, especially as Phase 4 continues to welcome new heroes.
During the early years of the MCU superhero franchise, actors were usually given multi-project contracts. In particular, the MCU’s Big Three — Chris Evans, Robert Downey, Jr., and Chris Hemsworth — agreed to six-movie contracts. However, as the MCU expands and brings in new talents, Marvel Studios is offering their actors shorter contracts now. This change allows the franchise to create better stories without being boxed by their character options and surprise its viewers due to their limited knowledge of actors’ contract details. Additionally, even Marvel actors have no idea if they are to come back for another project, although some, including Hemsworth, have already expressed their willingness.
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Chris Hemsworth’s original contract with Marvel ended with Avengers: Endgame. However, since his interest in playing Thor was renewed after Thor: Ragnarok, he signed on to do another solo movie, impressed by the story and wanting to collaborate with Waititi again. This then begs the question: Is Thor 4 Hemsworth’s last Marvel movie? After the credits of the Guns ‘N’ Roses-obsessed Thor: Love and Thunder