Love, Death + Robots has been a hot topic since it first aired on Netflix in 2019. Over its last two seasons, the acclaimed animated anthology series has accumulated 11 Emmy Awards for character design, animation, producing, and more. Bringing together a diverse mix of animators – beginners and established – and animation studios, the series will return to the streamer May 20 with nine new episodes.
Ahead of the third volume release, Game Rant spoke with executive producer Tim Miller (Deadpool, Terminator: Dark Fate) and supervising director Jennifer Yuh Nelson (Kung Fu Panda) about the series’ first direct sequel (to the fan-favorite episode “Three Robots” by John Scalzi), creating a cohesive season, and pulling together the creative teams.
Related: Season Three of Love, Death & Robots Features Polygon Pictures
Expertly intertwining a variety of genres – from fantasy to horror – and animation styles, along with different animation studios, writers, and directors, is a challenge that is left to Yuh Nelson who expertly balances responsibilities as both an episodic director and a supervising director to the rest of the series. She says, “It is quite a challenge. But it is really down to the directors and studios that we end up having on the show. They're all experts in something, and so the challenge is making sure that they can do the thing that they do so well to their fullest because the only thing that carries through all these episodes is a level of quality of the art.”
Miller adds, “And because Jennifer is an expert in everything, she's able to support where necessary, across all the episodes. Even though it is disparate styles and tones, and directors and types of animation, there's a level of quality that we have to