To find Vista Point: Plainsong in Horizon Forbidden West, you first need to find the Vista Point Tower located about 350 paces west of the Plainsong settlement. It’s a little way south of a road junction near a waterfall. Approach the Vista Point Tower and hold R3 to obtain the Vista Point: Plainsong image fragment.
Follow the mountain path south for about 100 paces until you’ve passed two ancient wind turbines, then turun right and climb up the rock face. Climb to the small ruined ancient lookout post with a flat gap in the middle. Stand in the gap and face east, then hold R3 and press down on the D-pad to bring up the Vista Point: Plainsong image fragment. You may need to move back and forth, and side to side, and adjust your look angle quite a lot before the Vista Point lines up, but this is definitely the right spot.
Related: How to capture the Plainsong Survey Drone in Horizon Forbidden West
Vista Point Plainsong overlooks what was once the Western Grand Array, a huge field of satellite dishes used in the mining of near-Earth objects i.e. asteroids. The array was once used to identify metal-rich asteroids for mining by a company called Miriam Technologies and an organization called the Coalition of Environmental Reclamation.