Luffy and the Straw Hats must uncover one final hidden mystery in the upcoming DLC, Reunion of Memories. After their adventure on Waford, Luffy and the Straw Hats decide to enjoy a banquet where they are suddenly approached by a girl, clothed in black, bearing a striking resemblance to Lim. She then uses the power of a mysterious black cube to send the Straw Hats into an altered World of memories, where things are not as they remember them. Not only will Reunion of Memories take you on a new adventure, but it will also introduce two new systems that will change the One Piece Odyssey experience.
Let’s now look at how these new systems change the experience.
In the DLC, a new battle system is implemented to supplement the combat experience.
Limited Order battles are specific encounters that you’ll experience in Reunion of Memories and are tuned for higher level play to allow for deeper strategic gameplay. These battles have exceptional enemies with strong abilities that will need to be planned around for best results. For an example of what Limited order battles are, let’s breakdown the battle with the Rear Admiral Barricade below.
In this battle, the Straw Hats must defeat Rear Admiral Barricade to succeed. The accompanying sailors do not need to be defeated to win. In fact, any defeated sailors will result in Rear Admiral Barricade receiving a boost to his power. If all sailors are defeated, the admiral will boost to an astronomical level of power and can make quick work of the Straw Hats.
So how do we get past this? The straightforward solution is to focus solely on taking down the admiral. However, the admiral is tough and the sailors will overwhelm the Straw Hats if left alone. Fortunately, the Straw Hats are