The animated spin-off The Boys Presents: Diabolical has a canonical tie-in to the main Amazon series, confirmed by The Boys showrunner Eric Kripke. The original series is a wildly popular and uber-violent adaptation of the Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson comic book about a band of emotionally-damaged vigilantes hellbent on taking down The Seven, a corporate-owned group of sociopathic, mass-murdering superheroes, or Supes. Over 8 episodes, Diabolical uses a variety of animation styles and influences to tell a series of stories set within the world of The Boys without being necessarily tied to the primary series.
The spin-off premiered last Friday and includes another story that was planned to be The Boys canon, albeit to the original comic book and not the TV adaptation. That episode was written by Ennis himself and drawn in the original comic's style, which means Butcher and Wee Hughie's looks are a bit different than how many Amazon Prime viewers have come to know them. The episode tying into The Boys show's core storyline, however, is the Diabolical finale, titled «One Plus One Equals Two,» which was written by Simon Racioppa.
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The episode focuses on the unhinged Superman pastiche Homelander, played by Anthony Starr, specifically on the beginnings of his days with The Seven and his relationship with fellow Supe Black Noir. The two Supes bond as Black Noir aids him in covering up a massacre. Racioppa says he wanted the storyline to be the one that «feels like it's really connected to the mothership» since it includes Homelander's backstory. According to Variety, main showrunner Eric Kripke says the episode will really give viewers a