Capcom's journey to bring Shu Takumi's beloved games to modern machines continues, as Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy has just been announced. This is another HD remaster collection, and you can get a taste for what that looks like in the above trailer.
As the name suggests, the collection comprises Apollo Justice's trilogy of titles: Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney — Dual Destinies, and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney — Spirit of Justice. Aside from being brought into high def, details are light on what else the compilation entails, but we imagine it'll be a very similar package to the Phoenix Wright Trilogy in terms of content.
It's due out sometime in 2024. Are you excited about this collection hitting modern consoles? Testify in the comments section below.
Having grown up alongside PlayStation, Stephen has developed an eclectic taste in video games and a wide knowledge of the medium, from small indie gems to the biggest AAA blockbusters. Ever hopeful that the Burnout series makes a miraculous return.