Gotham Knights is an upcoming video game set in the DC Comics universe. The game focuses around four of Batman's sidekicks, as despite it being centered around Gotham, it will not feature the caped crusader. The game features Bruce Wayne giving a goodbye message to Nightwing, Red Hood, Robin, and Batgirl after his apparent demise. Until recently, not much was known about Gotham Knights, with the game only revealing its release date in March of this year.
However, since that release date announcement, which promises to bring Gotham Knights to fans around Fall 2022, the game has shown off some important things such as a gameplay reveal displaying how Nightwing and Red Hood will work in the game. As well, there were some glimpses at the open-world players will be able to explore and Gotham Knights' RPG elements. Something else not displayed at the gameplay showcase was the Collector's Edition for Gotham Knights. While Collector's Editions do offer more than the standard physical copy of most games, this one may make fans show a bit of caution before opening their wallets.
Gotham Knights’ Open-World and RPG Features Detailed in New Gameplay
The Gotham Knights Collector's Edition is reportedly priced at $299.99, and while that may seem like an abundantly expensive price point, there are a lot of extras for fans to get their hands on. As expected, buyers of the Collector's Edition will receive the game at release, with the Deluxe Edition's content packed in. There's also a New Guard statue, which shows off all four of Gotham Knight's playable characters.
There are also some Promethium Transmogs for the characters in-game, alongside an Augmented Reality Key, a collectible map, and a Jim Lee certificate of authenticity. Gamers on