The franchise has played host to numerous ruthless characters throughout the series' history, with the gods, monsters, and heroes of both Greek and Norse mythology usually finding themselves in the midst of merciless war. That roster of battle-ready figures only grew with the 2022 release of, which cemented the legacy of the current god of war, while continuing to shape his worldview after beginning to bond with his son, Atreus.
Kratos might be the brutal protagonist of the series, but where the supporting cast of characters can be ranked is based upon their decisions throughout the previous games, alongside how ancient lore has painted them; some of the most hated characters from are very closely inspired by their real-world legends. It was never easy to survive in a setting so fueled by violent conflict, but some personalities take it a step further. Often, it's those antagonists who have plagued Kratos that can be deemed to be among the most ruthless.
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Gaia's relationship with Kratos began in earnest in the series. However, the character was only using the barbarian for her own ends. There is a ruthlessness to the way in which Gaia attempted to dispatch of someone that had actually helped her goals, although Kratos would get his revenge by killing the goddess in a climatic final confrontation.
Some of the best games like have thrived on their unique interpretations of Greek mythology and this series has done the same with Gaia. The Earth goddess is largely concerned with her own domain. In legend, as is the case with these titles, Mother Nature can be completely unforgiving and indeed ruthless. However, there is a softer side to Gaia, portrayed