An animated Ghostbustersmovie revolving around brand new characters has officially been put into development. The beloved ghost-hunting franchise has only grown in size since the original 1984 comedy, which starred Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson, and the late Harold Ramis as the titular team. Ghostbusters has since expanded into comics, games, and television. However, it remains first and foremost a film franchise.
Last year saw the release of Ghostbusters: Afterlife, a direct sequel to the original movies from the '80s. Helmed by Jason Reitman, the son of Ghostbusters director Ivan Reitman, the new movie acted as something of a reboot for the franchise. It introduced the next generation of ghost-hunters, led by Egon Spengler's granddaughter Phoebe (Mckenna Grace). Afterlife has spurred the creation of several new projects for the property, including another sequel (now largely only known as Ghostbusters 5) and an animated television series.
Related: Ghostbusters 5 Confirmation Is A Relief: Afterlife Deserves A Sequel
However, that is far from the end of what is in store for Ghostbusters. During the official Ghostbusters Day event on Wednesday, Reitman announced a new animated movie is in development at Sony Animation. It will feature all new characters and offer a brand new take on the Ghostbusters mythology. Jennifer Kluska and Chris Prynoski will direct, while Brenda Hsueh is writing the script. At the event, Reitman said in a statement:
“This was a passion project of my father’s and it’s easy to understand why. The world of the unknown can only be properly explored through the limitless reach of animation.”
Right now, little else is known about this Ghostbusters animated movie. The mention of all new