Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants Unleashed is an upcoming 3D action platformer and the sequel to the latest animated film, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem, picking up the story several months later. It's due out on PS5 and PS4 in Q4 of 2024, and we got our first glimpse of it in screenshots and learned more about the game's structure.
Players can explore New York City's five boroughs, including sewers and skyscrapers, alone or in a two-player local co-op. The game's official blurb describes this: «Players take control of the four masked heroes, each with their unique playstyle, as they traverse the sewers and city streets of New York. With an immersive world to explore both above and below ground, meet familiar faces as the ragtag heroes in a half shell gear up to delight fans at home with their chaotic capers.»
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Set months after the movie
What do you think of Mutants Unleashed? From what little we have to go on, are you a fan of the Turtles? What did you think of Mutant Mayhem? Do you like the series' bold new direction? Let us know in the comments section below.
Khayl Adam is the second-best video game journalist Australia has ever produced, and his ambitions of world domination have (thus far) been curbed by the twin siren songs of strategy games and CRPGs. He has always felt an affinity for the noble dachshund, the best kind of dog.
Yes! Quite excited about this. It would be awesome if they make it for 4 players co-op.
i can’t wait until the semi-realistic M-rated TMNT comes out
@nomither6 You're referring to The Last Ronin.
@nomither6 You might be waiting a while, if it comes out at all: https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2024/01/tmnt-the-last-ronin-dev-reportedly-cut-in-half-after-layoffs
Mutant Mayhem was decent but I can't say I'm a big fan of it far as animated TMNT movies goes.
As for the tie-in game, I need to see a trailer first but I'm being very cautious considering the publisher here.
Doesn't help that the game is