BTW, here are the recent Quest 3 Specs >
Wireless All inclusive 2064x2208 per eye Pancake Lenses — (Wide sweet spot) 105d FOV Flat slim compact small front visor Superior motion tracking system compared to PSVR2 Controller happtics Graphics chip is 2x as powerful as Quest 3's. Or pair Q3 with a PC/4090 to kick the crap out of the PS5. etc
And it most likely will adopt a similar motion tracking camera system to that of the Quest Pro, with ring-less VR controllers to booty'. My only real concern is the LCD Display itself like i mentioned earlier. I mean, I'm sure the blacks will still be a solid improvement over the Quest 2's since it's most likely an improved or higher end LCD display, but they won't touch the PSVR2's if there's no QDL.
Edited on by NeonPizza
@NeonPizza Yeah, but what would the MSRP be? 550 is already too much to push it to the market they're trying to reach, and that would raise the price even higher than commodity OLEDs they're already a key producer of. The point of PSVR isn't to be the very best HMD on the market at any price, it's to be an «almost affordable» alternative to PCVR that's better than Quest. Both QD and pankcake cost more. And the FOV is small enough, I want wider, not narrower!
IDK, you're a perfectionist in this stuff, but I've honestly really come a level of comfort with almost everything PSVR2 is that it isn't bothersome. I was never bothered by the controller rings though....they're not really in the way except when you need to clack them together for games that want your hands together. But I don't have sweet spot issues or anything with it, really, ever anymore, once I adapted to it and got consistent putting it on. I think it's a problem for the hardware in general because it