Samsung, during the Galaxy Unpacked event on January 22, unveiled the Galaxy S25 series, introducing S25 mainline phones. Alongside these, the company teased a brand-new form factor called the Samsung Galaxy S25 Edge. This model is reportedly designed to compete with the likes of the iPhone 17 Air. Recent leaks and tips on Weibo suggest that the iPhone 17 Air may not be the only phone the Galaxy S25 Edge will compete with.
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A reliable tipster, Digital Chat Station, known for accurately leaking smartphone-related news, has revealed that Chinese brands like Xiaomi, Oppo, and Vivo are also planning to launch ultra-thin smartphones to rival the S25 Edge.
However, unlike the S25 Edge, which is a flagship device, these Chinese brands are expected to launch super-thin phones as part of their mid-range and sub-series line-ups. These models are anticipated to offer improved battery performance compared to some premium flagships from Apple and Samsung.
Competition in this super-thin category is certainly heating up, with the S25 Edge paving the way. Samsung is expected to launch this model later this year, marking the beginning of a new trend among smartphone manufacturers. Apple, too, is rumoured to introduce the iPhone 17 Air this year, potentially making it the thinnest iPhone ever at just 5.5 mm, surpassing its current thinnest model.
With Xiaomi, Oppo, and Vivo joining the race, alongside Samsung and Apple, consumers are likely to see more affordable options in the ultra-thin smartphone category. This could mean that users won't have to rely solely on flagships like the Galaxy S25 Edge or iPhone 17 Air, making this new form factor accessible to a wider audience.
Also Read: Galaxy S25 makes Samsung more like Apple than ever before