Samsung has launched the Galaxy S25 Ultra, its latest flagship smartphone, at the "Galaxy Unpacked" event. The device is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Elite processor. This advanced chip enables faster on-device processing, particularly for AI-powered tasks that were previously dependent on cloud processing. However, the main highlight of the Galaxy S25 Ultra is its upgraded camera setup, which aims to set new standards in mobile photography.
The Galaxy S25 Ultra features an advanced camera system designed to deliver exceptional performance across various shooting scenarios. The new setup includes a 50MP ultra-wide camera, a 200MP wide camera with optical image stabilisation, and dual telephoto lenses offering 5x and 3x optical zoom. The front-facing camera is a 12MP sensor for high-quality selfies. This camera array is complemented by Samsung's ProVisual Engine, enhancing the camera's ability to capture detailed, vibrant shots at any distance.
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One of the major updates is the new 50MP ultrawide sensor, which replaces the previous 12MP sensor, offering significantly higher clarity and improved colour reproduction. Additionally, the Galaxy S25 Ultra supports AI-powered features like the Generative Edit, which allows users to edit photos with the help of AI, though it requires a network connection and a Samsung Account login. It's important to note that the feature might add a watermark on generated images.
The Galaxy S25 Ultra also introduces several advanced camera features aimed at improving video and photo quality. The device now records video in 10-bit HDR by default, providing four times richer colour expression compared to previous models. This allows the phone to capture more detail, especially in challenging lighting conditions. The improved low-light video capabilities, backed by the powerful Snapdragon 8 Elite processor, allow for clearer footage