appears on the latest cover of in his costume, marking the return of Matt Murdock in. The Disney+ series, set to premiere on March 4, 2025, continues the storyline established in the Netflix show. The series retains its focus on the relationships between Murdock, Karen Page, Foggy Nelson, and Wilson Fisk, as well as Murdock’s dual role as a lawyer and vigilante in Hell’s Kitchen.
SFX Magazine has unveiled its new cover featuring Charlie Cox as Daredevil, highlighting the return of the character in Daredevil: Born Again.
Criminals beware – <a href=«» https:>#Daredevil
is <a href=«» https:>#BornAgain! Get the lowdown on the Marvel Television and Disney+ series with exclusive interviews in the new issue of SFX, on sale 29 January…<a href=«» https:>#DaredevilBornAgain
Pre-order:<a href=«» https:>@MarvelUK <a href=«» https:>@DisneyPlusUK
The upcoming Disney+ series continues the story of Matt Murdock, a blind lawyer and vigilante. He balances his work at the law firm with fighting crime. The first season premieres on March 4, 2025.
Cox confirmed in an interview with Empire that the series is a continuation rather than a reinvention of the Netflix show. “There was talk early on about reinventing the whole thing, to see if Matt was a slightly different person. But it ended up more of a continuation. A lot of the history follows on,” he explained. The relationships between Matt, Karen Page (Deborah Ann Woll), and Foggy Nelson (Elden Henson) remain intact, with their law firm now operating as Nelson, Murdock & Page.
Daredevil Textless Wallpaper! ⚡<a href=«» https:>#DaredevilBornAgain