Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood made its appearance in the anime franchise in the early 2000s, and to date, the show still remains a classic. The alchemy-inspired show represents the brothers, Ed and Alphonse, who are thrown into a world of transmutation and homunculi through an unsuccessful experiment to resurrect their dead mother. Unfortunately, as a result of their inexperience in the ways of alchemy, the alchemy experiment stripped Edward’s right hand and Alphonse’s physical body part.
In the goal to recover their body parts, the siblings encounter the homunculi, a villainous set of characters born from the Philosopher’s Stone. Due to the philosopher's stone otherworldly capabilities, it bestowed inhumane and powerful abilities on the homunculi, making them the most deadly set of antagonists in the series. Every homunculus in Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhoodpossesses a unique ability, sometimes similar to their sin-based names. From Gluttony’s all-consuming feature to Envy's exceptional shapeshifting, the homunculi are one of the reasons Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood ranks a fan-favorite show.
Why Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Remains a Classic
Even though Gluttony is 'all brawn and no brains,' the character was a herculean obstacle the Elric brothers faced. The homunculus ability stems from Father’s failed attempt to create a Gate of Truth, a channel to gain tremendous alchemy-based power. The remainder of his failed experiment contributes to Gluttony’s bizarre form. Bearing the signature Ouroboros mark on his tongue, Gluttony is a simple-minded homunculus that submits to other homunculi with a higher authority.
True to his name, Gluttony's hunger for meals to consume is unquenchable, and his powerful jaws are
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