Throughout Fire Emblem: Three Houses, time is spent becoming familiar with students, teachers, friends, and foes, as the game's epic narrative tells a tale of war segmented into two chapters. Along the way, players will become accustomed to the houses at Garreg Mach Monastery, with the Black Eagles from the Adrestian Empire to the west, Blue Lions from the Kingdom of Faerghus to the north, and Golden Deer from the Leicester Alliance to the east. These houses are at the center of the story, but they are not the only organizations that have a place.
With Garreg Mach being a monastery, it has a strong religious presence alongside the Officers Academy in which students train for the heat of battle. The Church of Seiros becomes known to the player in the game's opening hours, providing a compelling wrinkle through any of the three possible paths. There are plenty of narrative threads that make up Fire Emblem: Three Houses, and while the Church of Seiros' has a strong presence from start to finish, it's one that often goes overlooked.
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Having a power over the entire continent using several regional branches, the Church of Seiros' reach is wide, with origins dating back to before the Adrestian Empire. Named after its founder, Saint Seiros, the church found a home when the construction of Garreg Mach was completed in the Imperial Year 185, long before the events of Fire Emblem: Three Houses. The church exerted its influence over the land when Faerghus seceded from the Adrestian Empire, as the organization granted the Kingdom its right to self-govern, ushering in a future where Fodlan was ruled by more than one entity.
Hundreds of years passed with relative harmony until the