After a few lackluster reinventions, the Predator franchise is finally finding its footing under Disney's ownership, as evidenced by Prey. 1987's Predator brought to life an iconic movie monster in the form of the titular extraterrestrial hunter, who blends the mysterious poise of Alien's Xenomorph with the unstoppable persistence of Halloween's Michael Myers. However, the Predator franchise struggled to find its identity after the success of the first movie, as its sequels failed to live up to its impact.
While 1987's Predator delivered high-octane action with the muscle-bound Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carl Weathers, and Bill Duke, the first movie was actually filled with suspense, as the creature didn't kill its victims like any common horror villain. Instead, the Predator toyed with them while it carefully hunted them down. This awakened a clear sense of desperation in the human characters, particularly in Dutch, who needed to use his brains as much as his brawn. But just one movie later, this suspense dissipated with the city setting of 1990's Predator 2, which delivered a more straightforward bloodbath. After a couple of Alien vs Predator movies that offered a silly showdown akin to the infamous Freddy vs Jason, 2010's Predators attempted to recapture the essence of the original, though it fell short in replicating what made it exciting. Lastly, 2018's The Predator had another shot at it, but while it certainly updated the franchise to modern times, it ended up becoming a disjointed story with little sense of purpose.
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Despite some improvements in certain regards like VFX, none of the Predator sequels succeeded in matching the positive reception of the 1987